Bitrix, Inc., a technology trendsetter in business communications solutions, announces the selection of Bitrix Intranet by AUTFORCE Automations – GmbH, a leading software provider for industrial equipment on the German and European markets, for the company's extensive knowledge base and online training programs.
Thanks to Bitrix Intranet, the intranet project developed for AUTFORCE Automations – GmbH achieved the company's goals of closer contact with the customers during the execution of each project, creation of a pleasant working atmosphere where both teamwork and independence thrives among employees, and incorportating performance-related pay as a motivating factor for the employees.
Because of the technical requirements involved, the virtual machine from Bitrix was implemented and provided great advantages including rapid launch. Some design changes in the basic Bitrix template were made, and in the e-learning module, adjustments were more substantial.
“With the introduction of the Intranet solution, storage and retrieval of documents has been simplified. Specifically, modifying published documents became much easier. With the help of lists that can be configured to contain a variety of different data types in a single record, we were able to replace our old system of Excel files easily and achieve centralized management. Through user rights, now the viewing or modifying the content of the respective groups is assignable.” – said Oliver Hohnhold, CEO of AUTFORCE Automation – GmbH.