e107 v.0.7.23 is now available. This release is primarily aimed at reducing vulnerabilities and increasing e107's protection against exploits. (a special thank you to Justin Klein Keane (“MadIrish”) for alerting us to the vulnerabilities, and commenting on the fixes.) One of the changes will also affect users who include youtube videos or other embedded media within their site; please see the included readme for more information.
This release also includes some minor feature enhancements:
Download Flood Protection (simultaneous downloads)
Found in admin under downloads->options. Option to prevent a user from downloading multiple files within a short time-period.
YouTube bbcode ([youtube][/youtube])
Allows you to easily add youtube videos to pages of your website. A conversion script is provided for those who have utilized html-code from Youtube already and wish to convert to the bbcode equivalent. (see included README.txt for details). By default, ‘dangerous' HTML (such as the 'embed' code used with many media) is neutralised when it is displayed. This traps malicious code that may have entered the database before the latest updates were put in place. This filter can be disabled through the preference ‘Filter HTML content'.
Language-pack Creator
Found in admin under languages->tools. For those who are translating e107 into other languages, this tool will zip up your core language files into the standard language-pack format so that they can be shared easily with the e107 community. Important information on using this tool can be found here.
Support for security include scripts.
e107 now supports 3rd-Party security includes such as ZB Block without having to manually modify core scripts. Just install them in your root directory as you would normally. To include ZB Block, you would add the following to e107_config.php: $CLASS2_INCLUDE = ‘zbblock/zbblock.php'; . e107 would then automatically include it in every page of your site.
The full changelog can be found here
We recommend that everyone upgrades to this new release as soon as possible.
Visit their website to learn more : http://e107.org