WordPress 4.1 is on the horizon. The first beta will give us a taste of the latest features soon to be added to the most popular CMS on earth (Yes, WordPress is a CMS).
The most recent major release, WordPress 4.0 Benny, introduced a number of handy features, including an improved media manager and an easier editing interface.
WordPress 4.1 looks to bring some equally exciting additions. For one, the brand new default theme called Twenty Fifteen actually looks pretty slick and usable, as opposed to previous WordPress default themes, which many (including myself) only ever saw as placeholders.
Version 4.1 is only in early Beta of course, but here's what we know it has on offer so far:
Plus, the WordPress developers will have plenty to chew on once WordPress 4.1 drops:
If you want to get in on the Beta action, you can make use of the official WordPress Beta Plugin, or you can simply download the beta from here.
Naturally, the core aim of any beta is for the vendor to obtain feedback. So make sure you give WordPress a heads up on any bugs or issues you find.