Social content management software, Butterfly Publisher now integrates with MailChimp to deliver a comprehensive social/email publishing one-two punch. The mindset for many has been that email is separate from social networks.
The President of Socialize Your Stuff, the makers of Butterfly Publisher, echoed those sentiments saying:
“Email is often thought of as functionally and philosophically separate from other social marketing efforts. Butterfly Publisher instead treats email as an entry point to a broader social conversation. This integrated approach allows users to take their high quality content and easily publish it across platforms.”
Traditionally you have your MailChimp email list from which you would send newsletters to your avid readers. Then you would have Facebook fans, Twitter followers, and other social network lists you would manage separately. MailChimp makes email behave more like a social network and Butterfly Publisher makes your social networks behave. Together with this new integrating of features, you have ultimate control.
Start with your Butterfly Publisher account. Build and curate all of your shareable information; RSS, Twitter feeds, blogs, search results, etc. Setup scheduled posts and sharing through these networks. What about email? No worries. Compile these chunks of information by time period into what they call a “Social Digest.”
Say you could combine your Twitter, Facebook, and other conversations into a nice portable package. Then using the MailChimp features, now integrated, you can keep your email list updated with the relevant conversations going on in the social realm.
Those in your email list are now notified or reminded of your conversations over social links via this “social roundup” and perhaps prompted to continue the conversation. More engagement, more likes, more fans, and more fuel for your marketing strategy
“Butterfly Publisher also allows tracking of engagement and reach so customers can be segmented accordingly. Subscribers can be sorted by the number of Twitter followers and friends on Facebook, and more. It‘s easy to track who has engaged with previous messages and promotions, and in what manner. This leads to highly targeted email campaigns which go after only a company's most ardent fans with the largest social reach, or targeting those who haven‘t responded in high numbers and could use some special attention. By connecting in this manner, organizations can make people happy and spark growth.”
Two excellent services now integrated together keeping you communicating effectively with your customers.
Find out more: Butterfly Publisher for MailChimp