JahiaOne day two opened with a introductory keynote from Jahia CEO, Elie Auvray.
During this announcement, a number of key announcements were made including the official date of the new major release of Jahia 7.
For those who've been following along on Twitter, you'll be aware that Jahia 7 is a significant improvement over the prior 6.6 release.
For all of the latest details about the conference, feel free to follow us using the link above or tracking the hashtag, #JahiaOne.
Elie Auvray, Jahia CEO
Here are the main points from the keynote:
To get more details on everything that the Jahia 7 release includes, visit the dedicated website: http://www.jahia7.com/
Emmanuel Garcin, Jahia VP & General Manager Americas
In addition to these announcements, Emmanuel Garcin, VP & General Manager Americas presented Jahia's new partner program initiative that strengthens the company's relationship (and the way they work) with their existing and future partners.
More details on this new partner program and how it works will be unveiled soon. In the meantime, you can visit the Jahia Partners portion of their website.
As always, stay tuned for our upcoming day two roundup later after the close of the conference and for full conference coverage, be sure to join us on Twitter.