Today, Liferay has announced the release of Liferay Portal 7.0 Community Edition. This new release brings with it one of the most exciting features of this new Liferay release, a modular system. What this means is that Liferay 7's functionality has been modularized into hundreds of modules, allowing you to use what you need for each project and take away the rest, giving you an extensibility unthinkable until now, and a much more elegant development model.
Liferay 7 also brings with it a new way to build advanced forms. The forms can have complex multi-column layouts and span several pages. They can be published in any Liferay site just by dropping the form into a page or also Google Forms style, by providing a URL that links directly to a full page form. Many field types are included out of the box and custom types can be added by deploying custom modules. Forms can also be integrated with Liferay's workflow system to submit forms through a predefined process.
One of the features I was most looking forward to seeing in this release was the new Alloy Editor. Built on top of CKEDITOR, this new editor improves upon the content editing experience and provides a sleek, beautiful new interface to the process.
Other features in this release include:
For a full list of improvements and some additional screenshots for this release, see the release notes.