A new release candidate for TYPOlight is available for testing. For obvious reasons, this is not recommended to use on production sites but if you are willing to assist them with testing, it would be greatly appreciated.
A full change log that itemizes what has been done since release candidate 1 can be found here: TYPOlight changelogs.
One of the key changes is an Improved Events list:
Similar to the improved news lists, the event list interval can now be set dynamically by changing the parameter name in the URL. The module responds to “year”, which displays all events of the specified year, to “month”, which displays all events of the specified month and to “day”, which displays all events of a particular day. In addition, you can configure the news list to only show past or upcoming events, which replaces the upcoming events module (removed in version 2.8.RC2).
You can learn more about TYPOlight or download the release from their website.