During the 2012 Adobe Digital Marketing Summit, the Press and Industry Analysts had an opportunity to ask questions of three of Adobe's top executives; Kevin Lynch (CTO), Shantanu Narayen (CEO) & Brad Rencher (SVP & GM). Here is a summary of some of the most interesting questions asked during the Q&A:
Q: What Adobe is planning to do to bring customers up to speed with their products given that most customers are far behind where they should be with regards to digital marketing?
A: We are investing heavily in go to marketing and training and are aiming to sell a full solution. They stated that many organizations not happy with where they are and are looking for help, hence this conference. Adobe is also running other events that are playing a key role as well.
It was stated that Adobe made the move early to digital and now spends 74% of their marketing dollars on digital. On average, most companies spent 24-25% on digital marketing. They believe they can do demand generation and branding which is controversial in the field. They do CMO round tables and lunches, etc. and often get frustrated with peers not embracing digital as they should be. To help, they are going out to schools, talking to students and holding conferences like this to help bring people up to speed.
Q: Whom does Adobe consider their competitors in this field?
A: While Google is a big player they are also a big partner. Google has a platform they are providing but his team feels their platform is more expansive and will continue to be a leader in this category. IBM has looked at it from an IT point of view, while Adobe's focus is on the marketer, advertiser, publisher, which they feel is more effective. Brad commented that marketers are forced to be system integrators, which they don't want. Adobe's belief is that there should be technologies for the marketer and they plan to be that stack of technologies.
Q: How has the Omniture purchase worked out for company. What do you see for the future of the Omniture side of the company?
A: We are thrilled with how the acquisition has gone. We are on the path for leadership in this digital marketing category and this is all a combination of Day, Adobe, Omniture and our other acquisitions, which have helped position us as a leader. Omniture was a cornerstone acquisition. When we think of acquisitions, we think of them as a way of getting technology and great people. We don't look at it as just the Omniture business.
Q: What approach does Adobe have on mobile apps and web browsing?
A: The fastest growing segments from measurement and content management are mobile and video. CQ5.5, the WCM component of their WEM (web experience management) product is designed with the web in mind but also for the mobile applications. They are very much focused on mobile and their apps are continuously being adopted to work regardless of the user interface or device being used.
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