Redaxscript, which initially started as a fork of sNews CMS in 2008, has now reached version 2.0.0 of their simple, yet powerful CMS. Let's take a look at some of the new features in this release.
Given that some of the functions in Redaxscript have been rewritten into OOP classes, PHP 5.0 is now a requirement in order for the system to run correctly.
Redaxscript's admin interface has been redesigned to work on any device without compromising functionality and usability. Want to use it on your tablet or smartphone? No problem!
Lead designer for Redaxscript, Jörg Steinhauer, has replaced most of the graphics within the templates with modern SVG, icon fonts, and improved typography giving them a better overall look and feel.
Sorry IE8 lovers (if there are any of you) but given how far web browsers have come, maintaining support for something this old just isn't in the cards. IE8 support has been dropped to focus on CSS3 and HTML5.
Redaxscript now includes the latest versions of jQuery and Zepto. For those who like getting their hands dirty, try out the new experimental Zepto template to see what it's made of. Not all JavaScript-powered plugins and modules are working due to a limited API,
so you'll need to extend Zepto using some of their modules as well.
They've added HTML5 elements support for old browsers and feature detection available inside the object.