Strikingly, the website builder that specializes in responsive one-pagers, has introduced a number of noteworthy updates.
Chosen as one of the few website builders to be covered by Website Builders Critic, Strikingly has grown into a very effective website builder, taking charge of the need for one-pager business and portfolio websites.
Here's what's new with Strinkingly.
Firstly, there's a new template for Strikingly users to personalize. Perspective is a masonry-style theme, perfect for those with high quality images to show off.
Strikingly Pro users now get MailChimp support. The update means that users can collect emails from their Strikingly website, which links directly with a configurable MailChimp email list.
Furthermore, Strikingly have added an RSS feed for all Strikingly blogs, allowing readers to subscribe far more easily.
To find out more about Strikingly, check out their website.
You can also check out our Strikingly video tutorials on Website Builders Critic.