The Accrisoft story begins back in 1999 when Entrepreneur Jeff Kline, owner of a technology hardware company called Accris, co-founded InternetCoast, a nonprofit initiative to support technology ventures in South Florida and position the region as a global science and technology hub.
They needed a website, so they hired a company called I-Network, who did an excellent job. Realizing that rapid, effective development of powerful websites was the future of computing and technology, Accris acquired the company and built a separate organization concentrating on the software side of the business. Accrisoft was launched as an independent company in 2001.
However, as they built more and more websites, they realized the frustration of working from scratch every time; the answer, Accrisoft decided, was to build a software platform that automated the commonalities so websites could be built in a fraction of the time. There was also the issue of being able to make updates to a website without technical expertise. The new system would have to make it easy for anyone in the organization to update and manage the site.
Accrisoft’s first product was Freedom CMS, a content management system for rapidly building and maintaining dynamic, database-driven websites. Several years later, Accrisoft developed a customer relationship management tool to be known as Endeavor CRM. This product is used to manage every stage of the website development life cycle, from generating leads to providing support.
Closely aligning themselves with the web hosting company Verio, Accrisoft distributed their products through Verio’s reseller channel, where they found great success with other Verio resellers and distributors, developing a global presence.
The company steadily grew over the next decade. The next major milestone came in 2009, when Accrisoft products moved to a software as a service (SaaS) platform, meaning that installation and server management were performed by Accrisoft, allowing resellers to focus on their core businesses.
In 2010, realizing the need to provide both sides of the business with focused attention, the company spun off its website development branch into a separate company called Accrinet, which uses Accrisoft’s software to build websites for its clients. Accrisoft continues to focus on software development, with Accrinet its largest reseller.
Entering their second decade of existence, Accrisoft is well-positioned to capture an ever-larger user base and continue its growth.
Learn more about Accrisoft's Freedom here: