Have you ever wanted to publish a blog post without the hassle of actually starting a blog in the first place? Well, with Pen.io, you can do just that.
Pen.io is a remarkably simple yet brilliant blogging tool. You choose an available domain name, create the page in seconds with just one click, and start typing. You can even drag-and-drop images into place. It's that easy.
What's more is, you can create as many pages as you like without signing up, handing over your email or paying a penny. That's a pretty sweet deal.
The short journey to publishing a Pen.io blog post starts on the Pen.io home page. There, you simply enter your domain name followed by a password before clicking “Create New Page”.
Seconds later, you'll be staring at your new Pen.io page. You get an editable page header and some standard text. Nothing fancy, but it's all you need.
Thanks to Pen.io's inline editing feature, you only need to click the text boxes to start editing, right there on the page. Only the password holder can do this of course, but the page looks no different to those simply visiting.
You can also drag-and-drop images from your desktop or other file locations right into the Pen.io editor. In just a few minutes, your Pen.io blog post might look a little something like ours.
You can re-edit your blog post at any time by clicking “Edit Page” in the footer and typing in your password.
When it comes to sharing thoughts and opinions online, Internet users seem to be torn. Do you stick to word-stifling microblogging websites like Twitter? Or do you go ahead and set up a free blog through one of the many blogging platforms on offer?
Pen.io offers a middle-ground.
With it, you can literally start typing up a blog post within seconds. It's as easy as writing out a tweet, minus the character limit. Yet, there's no actual set up or sign up needed to get going.
Also, Pen.io can be used for more than just a personal thought diary. It can be used for online resumes, anonymous letters, ebooks, short stories, lecture notes and more.
The only features I'd personally add to Pen.io is an optional comments system and perhaps some social sharing buttons. Other than that, Pen.io is a great blend of traditional blogging, modern microblogging and some good old fashioned anonymous publication.
Get your blog post published in seconds with Pen.io.